The killer of the synagogue worshippers hated Jews and
immigrants and refugees. The man who sent
pipe bombs last week sought to terrorize and perhaps kill people whose political
loyalties differed from his loyalties. Last
Wednesday a man tried unsuccessfully to enter an African American church
outside Louisville, Kentucky; he then went down the street to the Kroger store
and killed two African American men. As
he walked by a European American witness, he is reported to have said: “Whites don’t kill whites.” None of these perpetrators thought their
victims were just like them.
How do we end up with communities divided by fear and
resentment, animosity and grievance over a sense of lost entitlement? How do these beliefs morph into prejudice and
indifference to the wellbeing of others in many of us and into hatred and
violence in some of us?I think the praying woman struck at the heart of it. We convince ourselves that they are not “just like us.” We come to believe the "other" is ill willed and is plotting to take from us what we deservedly possess and they do not deservedly possess. Our misfortunes, failures, and disappointments are their fault. Our anxious insecurities find a resting place in others who appear unlike us.
The powers and principalities of this age know our vulnerabilities and exploit them for destructive ends. Be assured there are forces around us opposed to God, and they know what makes us tick and plan their schemes accordingly (Eph. 6:10-12).
Evil does not show up with horns, searing eyes, and a red
robe. Evil shows up as our supposed ally
and plays into our fears, disappointments, resentments, and failures. It magnifies in our mind every slight ever
done to us and tells us we are victims; it offers to us a path to
self-vindication. Evil says to us as it
said to Cain long ago: “You’re getting a
raw deal. Even the score.”
People of faith should be the first to see the lie in all
this. We have a common creator in whose
image we are made. In this way they are
all like us, even the perpetrators of these atrocities. All of us are bound together through an
organic unity grounded in the all-inclusive love of God. All of us are our brother’s and sister’s
keepers. The powers and principalities
of our age do all they can to blur and eradicate this kinship.It will not always be this way:
They will not hurt
or destroy
on all my holy mountain;
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9)
Until that day the lies will continue to be
told, and Cain will go killing Abel.on all my holy mountain;
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9)
Jim Kelsey
Executive Minister-American Baptist Churches of New York State